第13题: [单项选择]A. Why the book talks about turbidity currents. B. How winds can affect some ocean currents. C. The causes of underwater earthquakes. D. What a turbidity current is. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] Q: What does the professor ask the student to explain
第30题: [单项选择]创伤性溃疡的诊断依据是() A. 单侧带状群集分布的水疱和神经痛 B. 突然发生的急性炎症,发病前有用药史 C. 有创伤史,溃疡形态往往与机械性刺激因子相吻合 D. 早期患儿损害区黏膜充血,散在色白如雪的小斑点,不久可融合成白色斑片,可继续扩大蔓延 E. 溃疡小而多,散在分布于黏膜任何部位,直径小于2mm,相近溃疡可融合成片 参考答案:C