第7题: [单项选择]Passage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.A. Because they have a quicker response. B. Because they are usually more strongly built. C. Because they seem to be men of greater endurance. D. Because they have a better sense of space. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] Why are there more left-handed athletes
第25题: [单项选择]女性,40岁,午后低热1个月,咳嗽,咳少量白痰,痰找结核菌阳性,X线胸片示右上肺结核,用链霉素+乙胺丁醇+对氨基水杨酸治疗1个月后症状明显改善,但出现耳鸣、听力下降,血沉45mm/h,肝功能正常,胸片示右上肺结核空洞形成。拟改选的最佳治疗方案为() A. 异烟肼+链霉素+乙胺丁醇 B. 异烟肼+链霉素+利福平 C. 异烟肼+链霉素+吡嗪酰胺 D. 利福平+异烟肼+卡那霉素 E. 利福平+乙胺丁醇+异烟肼 参考答案:E