第9题: [多项选择]1. 现在许多家长“望子成龙”心切; 2. 指出其错误所在; 3. 家长对于子女应采取什么样的态度。 Are Families Demanding Too Much from Their Children 参考答案:Are Families Demanding Too Much from Their Children Most families demand too much from their children. Because nearly all parents love their children and try to give them their best love But the problem is, most of the time, their love may be painful for their children. Usually, parents will say "I hope my child will become a musician or a scientist or something else". Then imagine what will happen. No one is born to play the piano. No one is born a scientist. But the parents ignore the interests of their children, who could not do well because they have to choose what they hate to do. Give them their own sky and space, children have to the themselves. Every child is different. Every child has his/her own position in the world. It is the parents’s responsibility to give them the best advice. Each child is born unique. Do not force them. Parents should love them with their heart and try to understand them, not just demand.
第21题: [单项选择]我国的课程有广义、狭义之分,广义的课程指学生在校期间()。 A. 所接受全部教育内容的总和 B. 所学科目的总和及社会实践活动 C. 所学内容的总和及进程安排 D. 所有教学内容的总和及进程安排 参考答案:C
第22题: [单项选择]下列组织中,属于财团法人的是( )。 A. 全国手工业合作总社 B. 中国法学会 C. 中华见义勇为基金会 D. 中国人民保险公司 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 财团法人,是指为了一定的目的而设立的,并由专门委任的人按照规定的目的进行使用的各种财产。目前我国的财团法人在实践中已经大量存在,主要包括各种基金会法人;宗教法人、以捐献资金建立的学校法人和医
第23题: [单项选择]下列哪项防治术后尿潴留的措施不妥 A. 术前练习卧床小便 B. 术前或术后常规放置导尿管 C. 及时恰当地镇静、止痛 D. 下腹部热敷 E. 情况允许可坐起或站立小便 参考答案:B
第36题: [单项选择]根据车船税的有关规定,以下说法正确的是( )。 A. 车船税的纳税义务发生时间为车辆管理部门核发的车船登记证书或者行使证书所记载日期的次月 B. 车船的所有人或管理人未缴纳车船税的,使用人应当代为缴纳车船税 C. 车船税的具体纳税期限由省、自治区、直辖市国家税务局确定 D. 跨省、自治区、直辖市使用的车船,由纳税人自由选择一地进行申报纳税 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 车船税的纳税义务发生时间为车辆管理部门核发的车船登记证书或者行使证书所记载日期的当月;车船税的具体纳税期限由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定;跨省、自治区、直辖市使用的车船,纳税地点为车船的登