第21题: [单项选择]下列哪种情形的房屋,应认定不属于夫妻一方个人所有() A. 一方在结婚前自己出资购买的房屋 B. 婚后由一方父母出资为子女购买的房子,产权登记在出资人子女名下的 C. 由双方父母出资购买的不动产,产权登记在一方子女名下的 D. 一方在结婚前签订买房合同,以个人财产支付首付的房子 参考答案:C
第26题: [单项选择]In the third paragraph it is mentioned that by means of science ______.are analysed and studied. A. the ways in which cells formed B. changes in organic life C. the main ways in which organisms develop D. processes on which organic life depends 参考答案:D