第13题: [单项选择]患者,男,45岁,1年前开始逐渐出现颈后酸痛不适,双手麻木,不灵活,使用筷子困难。双下肢发紧,行走时有踩棉花感,易跌倒。查体:四肢肌张力增高,前臂外侧痛觉减退,双Hoffmann试验(+),踝阵挛(+),Babinski(+)。辅助检查:颈椎正侧位X片见C5~6间隙狭窄,增生硬化,生理曲度消失,局部轻度后凸畸形;椎管矢状径15mm。 治疗应选择 A. 按摩 B. 颈托固定 C. 手术 D. 颈椎牵引 E. NSAIDs及神经营养药物 参考答案:C
第15题: [单项选择]What happened to the cats if the number of mice in a post office didn’t decline within 6 months A. They were killed. B. They were punished by not to be given food. C. They had to change job. D. They were dismissed. 参考答案:D