第4题: [简答题]Part 2&3Arts
Do you think arts are important for people in the modern society
Do you think you can make money from your art
How do the elderly and the young view arts
Describe a handicraft
Describe a children’s song
Describe an oil painting 参考答案:
第18题: [单项选择]在以招标方式订立合同时,下述哪种行为属于承诺性质? A. 招标 B. 投标 C. 开标 D. 决标 参考答案:D 答案解析:解析:招标是由招标人通过一定方式公布一定的标准和条件,招请有关人士参加投标。招标人在招标通知中并不提出具体的合同条款,因此招标,从法律性质上属于要约邀请。因此A选项错。投标是由欲与招标人订立合同的投标