第5题: [单项选择]Disgusting mixtures were fed to the patient _________. A. to make him uncomfortable B. because they were believed to have medical value C. because evil spirits liked them D. to cause the spirits discomfort 参考答案:D 答案解析:根据第二段最后一句“secondly, he deliberately fed the patient mixtures…,to make the evil spirits so uncomforta
第6题: [单项选择]进行疾病三间分布综合描述的典型是 A. 传染病流行病 B. 血清流行病学 C. 移民流行病学 D. 分子流行病学 E. 遗传流行病学 参考答案:A 答案解析:昕谓疾病的三间分布是指:时间分布,地区分布,人群分布。传染病流行病学旨在研究人群中传染病的发生、发展和传播规律,探索传染病的临床识别标志,评价影响传染病流行的因素,提出预防和控制传染病流行的措施和策略