A. modem society has made old people more fragile B. there is still much one can do in his old age C. in old age one should forget his past D. in old age one should switch his thoughts to the future 参考答案:D 答案解析:推理题 C项为强干扰项,但太绝对化。文中只是说无限制地沉溺于过去的岁月是无意义的。
第19题: [单项选择]胫骨中下1/3骨折愈合慢的主要原因 A. 附近主要血管损伤 B. 附近的周围神经损伤 C. 远骨折段完全丧失血供 D. 两骨折段血供减少 E. 远骨折段血供减少 参考答案:E