第20题:[单选题]146 TWO BIG-IP appliances need to be configured to load balance multiple firewall in a firewall sandwich, Which health monitor setting should be used to verify that the firewalls are able to forward traffic? A.Adaptive B.Reverse C.Transparent D.Up internal 参考答案:C Sandwich architect firewalls are generally deployed transparently. You can enable Transparent to point to the next-hop address of the firewall and associate it with the firewall pool member for detection.
第21题: [单项选择]雾是近地面大气层中出现大量微小水滴而形成的一种天气现象,在大气稳定时,当暖湿空气经过寒冷的下垫面时,就易形成雾。地中海气候区的沿海城市夏季多雾,是因为() A. 降水较少 B. 气温较高 C. 风力较弱 D. 光照较强 参考答案:C 答案解析:根据题目,雾是在大气稳定时,暖湿空气经过寒冷下垫面,水汽大量凝结形成的天气现象。夏季海洋温度比陆地温度低,相当于寒冷的下垫面。地中海地区受副热带高压带控制,盛行下沉气流,空气稳定,风力弱,具备了雾的形