第9题: [单项选择]下列哪项符合牙髓切断术适应证() A. 根尖孔尚未发育完全,因机械性或外伤性露髓的年轻恒牙 B. 根尖已发育完全,机械性或外伤性露髓,穿髓孔直径不超过0.5mm的恒牙 C. 龋源性、外伤性或机械性露髓,根尖未发育完成的年轻恒牙 D. 龋源性露髓的乳牙 E. 根尖已发育完全,机械性或外伤性露髓,穿髓孔直径不超过1.0mm的恒牙 参考答案:C
第18题: [单项选择]A. The man will go into business after high school. B. The woman is not happy with the man’s decision. C. The man wants to be a business manager. D. The woman is working in a kindergarten. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] M: After high school, I’d like to go to college and major in business administration. I