第2题: [单项选择]某经济专家提出:中央进行宏观调控成功的关键在于如何在尽量多地安排就业人员并兼顾物价的基本稳定两方面做出努力。通货膨胀不是最可怕的,要保持经济的高增长,不可能没有一定的通货膨胀。 上面这段话主要支持了这样一种观点,即( )。 A. 中央必须做好就业安置与物价稳定两方面的工作 B. 发展经济就不可避免地会引起通货膨胀 C. 就业安排不当比通货膨胀对宏观调控的危害更大 D. 宏观调控就是为了解决就业和物价两个问题 参考答案:A 答案解析:题干包含两层意思:(1)中央在宏观调控方面必须做好就业安置与物价稳定(即抑制通货膨胀)两方的工作;(2)就业安置工作比抑制通货膨胀工作重要,应摆在第一位。B、 C、D三项都没有涉及到这两层意思,所以错
第32题: [单项选择]肺结核患者的痰液及口鼻分泌物的正确处理方法是() A. 加入等量1%过氧乙酸作用20分钟进行消毒 B. 高压蒸气灭菌 C. 丢入双层黄色污物袋内 D. 日光下暴晒6小时 E. 用纸盒纸袋盛装后焚烧处理 参考答案:E 答案解析:结核病患者痰液及口鼻分泌物的处理是用纸盒纸袋盛装后焚烧处理,或加入等量1%过氧乙酸作用30~60分钟进行消毒。
参考答案:For a moment,the professor felt rather embarrassed.But he suddenly hit upon a way out of the predicament.He pretended to be listening attentively and taking notes.When the Consul General finished his speech,Mr.Shard stood up calmly and began delivering a speech for the Consul General in English.He started by saying,“At this very moment,I am possessed by a conflicting emotion of happiness and sadness.I’m happy because I’ll be back to my motherland to reunite with my relatives and friends there after long years of separation.And I am sad because I’ll have to say goodbye to my old friends and new acquaintances in New York City…”And in this strain,Mr.Shard gave a free rein to his imagination and made a speech that was full of both passion and ornateness.When his “interpretation”came to an end,there swept across the hall a warm-hearted and thunderous applause.