A. has its many windows boarded up. B. has had the furniture removed. C. is used only on formal and ceremonious occasions. D. is the busiest room in the house. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[详细解答] 文章提到the best room 时,有这样的句子:“The best room was shut up and darkened,with only so much light as
第24题: [多项选择]以下各项中,属于会计上选择历史成本作为计价基本规范的原因包括( )。 A. 它能客观地反映经济业务 B. 它具有较强的可核性 C. 它具有较强的综合性 D. 它的资料容易取得 参考答案:A,B,D 答案解析:[解析] 资产实际发生的成本为历史成本,会计上选择历史成本作为计价基本规范的原因是:客观依据,便于查核,也容易确定,比较可靠。
第29题: [填空题]程序执行结果s的值是 【7】 。 Private Sub sub1(Byval p As Integer) p=p*2 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim i As Integer i=3 Call sub1(i) if i>4 then i=i mod 2 Print cstr(i) End Sub 参考答案:3