第29题: [单项选择]While the total number of farmers engaged in the agriculture production is barely half ______it used to be in 1959, the size of the average farm has tripled. A. that B. what C. which D. how 参考答案:B 答案解析:half what it used to be 相当于 half the number that it used to be,what既代替先行词the number 又引导一个从句,其他几个选择项均
第36题: [单项选择]女性,50岁。十年前因左肾透明细胞癌行根治性肾切除术。最近因阴道流血,诊断为宫颈癌而入院。入院后各项指标检查无手术禁忌证,择期行子宫全切+盆腔淋巴结清扫术。术后第二天出现右侧腰部胀痛,24小时无尿。提示:血钾5.8mmol/L,Scr300/L,BUNl5mmol/L。急诊重点检查哪些项目() A. 血糖 B. 血脂 C. 肝功能 D. 血气分析 E. 血电解质+肾功能 参考答案:E