A. most newly marketed drugs have side-effects B. established drugs have serious effects C. any unexpected effect of new drug is worth reporting D. full reports should be sent of all the effects of all drugs 参考答案:D
第30题: [单项选择]Why was the ordinary woman's leather shoe considered unusual A. Because it is an important clue to life in the past. B. Because it was found near a famous trail. C. Because it once belonged to a VIP. D. Because it was a fashionable shoe at that time. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 本题考查对细节的掌握。根据第一段第七、八两句But what is unique about this shoe is where it was found.It was discovere
第37题: [单项选择]朱某进超市购物,将装有手饰、现金的挎包存放于超市存包处,后领包时发现包已遗失,索赔时该超市以“存包处《存包须知》明示:无论存包者是否申明物件的价值,若遗失,每件酌情补偿5至10元”为由,只愿意赔10元。另悉,该《须知》贴在存包窗口上,十分醒目。则错误项为( )。 A. 该《须知》属于格式条款 B. 该《须知》并未订入合同 C. 该《须知》为合同的一个条款,但该条款无效 D. 该《须知》因不当免除自己的责任而无效 参考答案:B 答案解析:本题涉及格式条款问题。依《合同法》第39条、第40条规定,格式条款是当事人为了重复使用而预先拟定,并在订立合同时未与对方协商的条款。格式条款的拟定人应当遵循公平原则确定当事人之间的权利和义务。格式条款