第8题: [单项选择]舌苔黑而润滑多属 A. 寒盛阳衰 B. 热盛伤津 C. 阴虚火旺 D. 痰火内蕴 E. 湿热熏蒸 参考答案:A 答案解析:黑苔主里证,或为热极,或为寒盛,须结合苔的润燥及其舌象特征进行鉴别。若苔黑而燥裂,甚则生芒刺,为热盛伤津;若苔黑而润滑,多属寒盛阳衰,水湿内盛之象。备选项中,阴虚火旺的舌苔特点多为少苔或无苔,痰火内蕴
第22题: [简答题]EIGRP中的SIA是什么意思? 参考答案:
If a route lose on a router and no feasible successor is found for the route,the router will begins a diffusing computation.The router will set the route in active state and send queries to all of its neighbors,and meanwhile the router will set a active timer.If all expected replies are not received before the Active time expires, the route is declared stuck-in-active (SIA).
The neighbors that did not reply will be removed from the neighbor table, and the diffusing computation will consider the neighbor to have responded with an infinite metric.