第27题: [单项选择]以下在实用化检查范围内的输电检测记录是() A. 输电线路防洪、防水、防鸟装置检查记录 B. 绝缘子盐密、灰密测试记录 C. 输电线路金属部件检查记录 D. 输电线路杆塔倾斜测量记录 参考答案:B
第28题: [简答题]我在这风光奇异的地方待得时间不长,但我的心灵得到了升华。那天晚上,我斗胆来到宾馆外,去观赏五彩斑斓的极光(northern lights)把夜空照亮。传说如果你对着极光吹口哨,它们就会落到你的脚下。于是我吹响了口哨,发现它们仍待在原先的地方,在寒冷贫瘠的土地上空飘舞。一如那些飘舞的极光,这里同样是一片远离尘嚣的净土。 参考答案:
I didn’t stay long in this distinctive and amazing area, yet my spirit was sublimed. On that night, I ventured to go out of the hotel, just to view and admire the colorful northern lights which shone the sky. It’s said that if you whistle towards the northern lights, they will fall to your ankles. So I did, only to find that they didn’t move at all, waving to and fro above the cold and barren earth. Just like the waving northern lights, here was also a pure land far away from the hubbub.