第15题: [单项选择]梅毒树胶样肿区别于结核肉芽肿的是()。 A. 易见朗格汉斯细胞 B. 见多量中性粒细胞 C. 见干酪样坏死 D. 见多量浆细胞 E. 见多量上皮样细胞 参考答案:D 答案解析:树胶样肿为梅毒特征性病变,病灶中央类似干酪样坏死,但组织坏死不彻底,坏死周围的肉芽组织较少,有多量淋巴细胞、浆细胞浸润,类上皮细胞和Langhans巨细胞少见,这些均可与结核肉芽肿相区别。梅毒肉芽肿质
第25题: [单项选择]What does the woman say about the book A. She thinks it’s too difficult. B. She thinks it’s very interesting. C. She hasn’t quite decided what she thinks. D. She hasn’t actually read it yet. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] M: I thought this book was really going to be boring. W: But it’s actually quite fascin