A. Because he likes diving. B. Because he wanted to find a job as a dive master there. C. Because he worked for the World Service. D. Because he was assigned to Madagascar. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]8-10 Chris: I've heard that you used to work for the BBC, is that true Erwin: Yes, that
第7题: [单项选择]对流脑和乙脑,具有重要鉴别诊断意义的是 A. 意识障碍出现早晚和程度 B. 生理反射异常及出现病理反射 C. 皮肤瘀点和瘀斑 D. 发病季节 E. 颅压增高程度 参考答案:C
第8题: [单项选择]霍奇金病最常见的组织学类型是()。 A. 结节硬化型 B. 淋巴细胞为主型 C. 淋巴细胞消减型 D. 混合细胞型 E. 小淋巴细胞型 参考答案:D