第2题: [单项选择]In a shrinking economy, consumers are unlikely to continue purchasing luxury goods like hotel stays and travel packages, ______ increasing their spending on them. A. so much B. much less C. no less than D. more or less 参考答案:B 答案解析:[短语] much less(更不用说) [错误答案] (A)这么多(C)多达……(D)或多或少
第38题:[单选题] 以下关于盘、柜安装的说法错误的是( )。 (1.0分) A. 盘、柜安装应在土建条件满足要求时,方可进行安装 B. 盘、柜搬运至安装地点摆放或安装,应防止受潮、雨淋 C. 盘、柜在安装固定好以前,应有防止倾倒的措施 D. 对变送器等稳定性差的设备,安装就位前,应立即将全部安装螺栓紧好,禁止浮放 参考答案:D