第1题: [单项选择]女孩10天,主诉纳差1天,发现皮肤黄染伴发热6小时入院。查体:脐轮红,有脓性分泌物,精神差,嗜睡,血WBC44.70×10/L,中性65%,血Hb132.9g/L,血胆红素443.94μmol/L,直胆30.9μmol/L。最可能的诊断是()。 A. 新生儿窒息、脐炎、病理性黄疸 B. 新生儿肝炎、脐炎、病理性黄疸 C. 新生儿肺炎、溶血病、脐炎 D. 新生儿颅内出血、败血症、脐炎 E. 新生儿脐炎、败血症、高胆红素血症 参考答案:E
第19题: [单项选择]If two sailing vessels are running free with the wind on the same side, which one must keep clear of the other?(). A. The one with the wind closest abeam B. The one to windward C. The one to leeward D. The one that sounds the first whistle signal 参考答案:B