第3题:[单选题]. What’s the purpose of the author to write this passage? A. How the Romans worshipped Saturn. B. Why the Romans believed in Saturn. C. The different meanings of the word Saturn. D. How Saturday got its name. 参考答案:D
第18题: [单项选择]男性,23岁,饮酒后被人击伤头部,意识丧失5分钟,呕吐3次,伤后1小时来院。查体:右侧颞顶部皮肤裂伤,烦躁,外衣上可见呕吐物。瞳孔等大等圆,对光反射灵敏。颈无抵抗,四肢活动好,病理反射阴性。头颅CT示右颞头皮下血肿,右颧骨线状骨折。经头颅CT复查,发现右侧颞顶部双凸透镜形高密度影,此血肿称为() A. 亚急性血肿 B. 迟发性血肿 C. 急性血肿 D. 自发性血肿 E. 继发性血肿 参考答案:C