第4题: [单项选择]关于保护层作用说法不正确的是( )。 A. 浅色反射隔热,油毡防水层的表面呈黑色,不易吸热,在太阳辐射下,其夏季表面温度可达60~80℃,常致沥青流淌油毡老化 B. 保护层可以减少吸热,使太阳辐射增加 C. 有利于防止暴风雨对油毡防水层的冲刷 D. 以黏性粘住油毡的边角防止起翘 参考答案:D
A. has lost so much sleep that he is now suffering from insomnia B. has conducted experiments on sleepwalkers C. has slept more than any other living man of his age D. does not believe that there are any sleepwalkers at all 参考答案:D