[单项选择]Science fiction is called a literary sub-genre because _______. A. It is not important enough to be a literary genre B. It cannot be made into a dramatic presentation C. It has its limits D. It shares characteristics with other types of prose fiction
参考答案:D 答案解析:根据文章第3段最后1句:that is, it shares a great deal with all other novels and short stories.可知,科普文章具有与其他文学形式
第1题: [单项选择]汗证营卫失调的主症是() A. 自汗为主,头部、肩背部明显 B. 自汗为主,汗出遍身而不温 C. 盗汗为主,手足心热 D. 自汗或盗汗,头部、四肢为多 E. 盗汗为主,遍身汗出 参考答案:B 答案解析:汗证肺卫不固多见于体质虚弱的小儿,以自汗为主,可伴有盗汗,以头、肩背阳气聚集之所汗多,易患外感;汗证营卫失调以自汗为主,或伴盗汗,汗出遍身而不温;汗证气阴两虚以盗汗为主,可伴有自汗,遍身皆可,没有特别