[单项选择]How did Sequoyah’s family react to his idea of developing his own "talking leaf" A. They arranged for his hunting accident. B. They thought he was crazy. C. They decided to help him. D. They asked him to teach them to read and write.
第35题: [单项选择]0.1%的乳酸可作为注射剂的哪类附加剂() A. 缓冲剂 B. 抑菌剂 C. 局麻剂 D. 等渗调节剂 E. 稳定剂 参考答案:A 答案解析:参照注射剂常用附加剂表,可知0.1%的乳酸为缓冲剂,0.5%~1.0%苯酚作为抑菌剂,0.3%~0.5%三氯叔丁醇为局麻剂,2.25%甘油可作为等渗调节剂,0.5%~0.8%肌酐可作为稳定剂。