第13题: [单项选择]以下哪项属于胎漏的临床表现 A. 阴道少量出血 B. 腰酸 C. 小腹下坠 D. 腹痛 E. 以上均是 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解题思路] 胎漏是指妊娠期间,阴道不时有少量出血,时出时止,或淋漓不断,而无腰酸、腹痛、小腹下坠者。如有腰酸、腹痛、小腹下坠,或伴有少量阴道出血者,称为胎动不安。 [命题规律] 考查“胎漏的定
第15题: [单项选择]A. We paid you early as required. B. Your documents came to us as required. C. Your documents have been correctly presented as required. D. You did not present the documents as required. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] We found that the documents we received did not comply with the requirements.