第2题: [单项选择]溃疡病急性穿孔最突出的临床表现是() A. 有溃疡病史 B. 上腹部剧烈绞痛 C. 恶心、呕吐并休克 D. 高热 E. 腹膜炎体征,肠鸣明显减弱或消失 参考答案:E 答案解析:既往有溃疡病史仅占80%~90%,少数(占10%~20%)无溃疡病史,故溃疡病史仅供参考;恶心、呕吐虽然可以出现,但无特异性,仅约10%患者出现休克;穿孔早期甚少出现高热,上腹部疼痛剧烈,但多呈撕裂或
A. keep the congressmen busy B. allow citizens to know the congressmen C. examine and discuss the bills presented to the full house D. give equal power to Democrats and Republicans 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 由末段中“…the real work and power of congress lies in the system of committees”,联系首段中对于congress作用的详