第19题: [填空题]Knowledge of microscopic anatomy was greatly expanded during the 20th century as a result of the development of microscopes that provided much greater resolution, arid magnification than had conventional instruments, thus revealing formerly unclear or ______ detail.(visible) 参考答案:invisible
第30题: [单项选择]在制备颗粒剂和片剂的工艺中,都需要对干燥后的颗粒进行整粒。一般采用的整粒办法是 A. 挤压整粒 B. 过筛整粒 C. 手捏整粒 D. 压块整粒 E. 流化(或喷雾整粒) 参考答案:B 答案解析:因为过筛整粒既可以使因干燥而结块、粘连的颗粒散开,又可以获得一定粒度的均匀颗粒,故一般采用过筛整粒的办法整粒。