第3题: [简答题]描写一件你认为(或者你经历的、听说的)最有意思或最有意义的事。 参考答案:
One thing socked me in the America is the cultural difference between China and America. One of my American friends, a professor in a university, has a boy at five when I was there. Such a little boy had a girlfriend at five too. The boy always invited her wherever his family went. The first time I met her the little boy introduced her to me: "This is my girlfriend." I couldn’t help laughing. He seriously answered my laugh: "Do you think I am going to marry her No way!/
第6题: [单项选择]ATM技术的不包括()。 A. 便于用软件实现 B. 不会影响每个节点之间的通信能力 C. 足够的带宽和容错能力 D. 提高通道的利用率 参考答案:A
第7题: [单项选择]以下有关类与结构体的叙述不正确的是 A. 结构体中只包含数据;类中封装了数据和操作 B. 结构体的成员对外界通常是开放的;类的成员可以被隐蔽 C. 用struct不能声明一个类型名;而class可以声明一个类名 D. 结构体成员默认为publicl类成员默认为private 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 本题同样考察的是结构体和类之间的区别和联系。