第7题: [单项选择]According to passage, Indian names were important because they ______. A. described the character of a man B. described the appearance of a man C. were never used by other people D. told us his profession 参考答案:A 答案解析:第一段中“the World what he was”就是指“the character of a man”。
第19题: [单项选择]G1P0,孕37周,骨盆外测量:骶耻外径18.5cm,髂前上嵴间径23cm,坐骨结节间径7.5cm,坐骨结节间径+出口后矢状径之和为14cm。肛诊:骶骨板弯曲好,骨盆内聚,坐骨棘间径约9cm,骶坐切迹可容1指,胎儿估计3000g,儿头浮,胎心140次/分。低张型宫缩乏力时首选() A. 杜冷丁 B. 吗啡 C. 催产素静脉点滴 D. 苯巴比妥钠 E. 小剂量麦角新碱 参考答案:C