A. A bomb explosion at a military site. B. An explosion at a Jewish housing project. C. An attack against Palestinian residents. D. A boarder dispute with Jewish residents. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文]21-22 Palestinian police have arrested six members of the militant Islamic Resistance M
第27题: [单项选择]气郁发热的特点是()。 A. 长期微热,劳累则甚,兼疲乏、少气、自汗等症 B. 时有低热,兼面白、头晕、舌淡、脉细等症 C. 长期低热,兼颧红、五心烦热等症 D. 每因情志不舒而时有微热,兼胸闷,急躁易怒等症 E. 小儿于夏季气候炎热时长期发热,兼有烦渴、多尿、无汗等症,至秋凉自愈 参考答案:D