第2题: [单项选择]能够获得一个文本框中被选取文本的内容的属性是 A. Text B. Length C. SelTextt D. SelStart 参考答案:C 答案解析:[命题目的] 考查文本框的属性和方法的应用。 [解题要点] 文本框SelText属性返回或设置包含当前所选择文本的字符串;如果没有字符被选中,则为零长度字符串("")。 [考点链接
A. jeans are likely to be a short-lived fashion B. jeans are popular only in the United States C. jeans are likely to be popular for a long time to come D. jeans are no longer fashionable 参考答案:C 答案解析:根据原文最后一段…jeans are likely to be around for a long time to come(在未来的很长的一段时间内,牛仔将继续存在。),因此C为正确选项。