第12题: [单项选择]为γ-氨基丁酸的环状衍生物,可促进乙酰胆碱合成的改善脑功能药物是 A. 盐酸多奈哌齐 B. 利斯的明 C. 吡拉西坦 D. 石杉碱甲 E. 氢溴酸加兰他敏 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 本题考查改善脑功能的药物。 吡拉西坦属广氨基丁酸的环状衍生物。本药的确切机制尚不清楚,且多有争议。但它能促进脑内二磷酸腺苷(ADP)转化为三磷酸腺苷(ATP),使脑内能量供应状况改
第28题: [填空题] You will hear five people talking about e-business in different areas.
For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One. choose the areas from the list A—H. For Task Two, choose the benefits from the list A-H.
You will hear the recording twice.
第33题:[单选题]The governor gave a rather vague outline of his tax plan. A.unclear B.firm C.short D.neat 参考答案:A 本句意思:州长提供了一个相当模糊的税务方案框架。vague模糊的。unclear不清楚的;firm坚定的;short短的;neat整齐的。