第21题:[简答题]<br><br><br/>参考答案:Interpretation is the verbal translation of the speaker’s words to an audience that does not speak the same language To achieve this purpose in various situations,there are different modes of interpretation which require different skills and equipment.Consecutive interpretation is recommended for working in small group meetings,where the speaker and the interpreter take turns speaking.The interpreter takes notes while listening,and then interprets what was said while the speaker pauses. Simultaneous interpretation is commonly used when there are more than tWO languages involved and requires a specialized audio system(with headsets for the audience).The interpreters sit in the booth and listen to the speaker through headphones,and then instantly render the speech into the target language.The audience tunes in to listen to the channel assigned to their language. 答案解析:[解析] 口译即口头翻译发言者的讲话内容,并传达给不懂该语言的听众。若想在不同的场合实现这一目的,就需要选择不同的口译模式,使用不同的技能和设备。交传通常在小组会议中使用,发言者和译员
第33题: [单项选择]甲向乙借款20万元,以其价值10万元的房屋、5万元的汽车作为抵押担保,以1万的音响设备作质押担保,同时还由丙为其提供保证担保。其间汽车遇车祸损毁,获保险赔偿金 3万元。如果上述担保均有效,丙应对借款本金在多大数额内承担保证责任 A. 7万元 B. 6万元 C. 5万元 D. 4万元 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 保证责任。 [解析] 本题可以分为两个步骤来解答:第一,汽车遇车祸损毁前,丙应承担保证责任的数额。《担保法》第28条规定,同一债权既有保证又有物的担保的,保证人对物的担保以外的债权承担