第18题: [简答题]What were the contents of the New Deal? 参考答案:
—— The New Deal included the following contents;
(1) establishment and strengthening of government regulation and control of banking, credit and currency systems, overcoming the financial crisis and restriction of certain extreme practices of financial capital;
(2) federal government management of relief and establishment of social security system such as the formation of the Civilian Conservation Crops and the setting-up of the Tennessee Valley Authority;
(3) stimulation of the recover of industry and agriculture;
(4) formulation and implementation of federal labour laws to raise the role of labour in the relations of production;
(5) improvement of the situation of minorities and members of certain religious groups.
第36题: [单项选择]下列关于步态的描述错误的是 A. 醉酒步态——重心不稳,步态紊乱不准确,不能直线行走 B. 慌张步态——起步后急速趋行,身体前倾,有难以止步之势 C. 跨阈步态——移步时,双下肢伸肌和内收肌张力增高明显,两腿交叉呈剪刀状 D. 共济失调步态——起步时,一脚高抬,骤然落下;双目向下,两脚间距宽以防身体倾斜,闭目时不能保持平衡 参考答案:C
第37题: [多项选择]病历摘要:病人邓某,男,80岁,因“突发左侧肢体乏力1小时”拟诊断为右侧额项叶脑出血入院。入院症见:不省人事,双侧瞳孔等大等圆,直径为2.5mm,右侧对光反射灵敏,左侧对光反射迟钝,左侧肢体偏瘫,痰多而稠,舌暗淡,苔白腻,脉沉滑。护理措施正确的是?()提示:入院后行右颞项钻孔置管术,术后患者神志仍处于昏迷状,痰多行气管切开术 A. 及时吸痰,保持呼吸道通畅 B. 吸痰管每天更换一次 C. 切口敷料污染随时更换 D. 气道滴药时要有纱块套住针头 E. 覆盖纱块保持湿润 F. 吸痰用物保持无菌 参考答案:A, C, D, E, F