第8题: [单项选择]When someone can't understand your opinions, you should ______. A. bring up your new ideas and topics B. give him your explanations C. encourage him to give his own ideas D. accept his different points of view 参考答案:B 答案解析:细节题。文章列举了“积极参与”包括的四个方面。其中第三个方面是:“Repeating ideas and explanations for those who can't understand you
第15题: [单项选择]病历摘要:住院男性患者,57岁,入院诊断:支气管哮喘,在哮喘发作过程中,突然出现极度呼吸困难,严重发绀,右胸剧痛。对上述患者采取的最重要的措施是什么()。(提示:体检结果示右胸部叩诊鼓音,呼吸音消失。X线检查可见右肺向肺门萎陷呈球形阴影,透亮增加,无肺纹) A. 吸痰 B. 补充液体促进排痰 C. 加大吸氧量 D. 止痛 E. 及时实施排气疗法 F. 心理安慰 G. 静脉补液 参考答案:E
第16题: [单项选择]检验检疫机构对进口食品按食品( )进行分类管理。 A. 质量等级 B. 安全等级 C. 包装等级 D. 危险性等级 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 检验检疫机构对进口食品按食品危险性等级进行分类管理。
第21题: [单项选择]In the 1944 election, Senator Harry. S. Truman of Missouri had distinguished himself by investigating fraud and waste among war contractors. A. discord B. deviation C. deception D. distortion 参考答案:C