[单项选择]属于医学道德基本要求的() A. 有求必应 B. 诚实守信 C. 不伤害原则 D. 刻苦钻研 E. 热情服务
第1题: [单项选择]下列关于政府补助的说法,错误的是( )。 A. 企业取得的与收益相关的政府补助。不能全额确认为当期收益,应随着相关资产的使用逐渐汁人以后各期的收益。通过”递延收益”科目来核算 B. 与资产相关的政府补助在相关资产使用寿命结东或结束前被处置时,尚未分摊的递延收益余额应一次性转入当期营业外收入 C. 与收益相关的政府补助应在其取得寸直接汁人当期营业外收入 D. 企业取得的针对综合性项目的政府补助,需将其分解为与资产相关的部分和与收益相关的部分分别进行处理 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 与收益相关的政府补助如果是用于补偿企业以后期间费用或损失的,在取得寸应先确认为递延收益,然后在确认相关费用的期间计人当期营业外收人;用于补偿企业已经发生的费用或损失的,取得时直接计入当期营业
第21题: [单项选择]婚前医学检查的主要疾病() A. 严重遗传性疾病、指定传染病、重性精神病和重要脏器疾病 B. 由遗传因素先天形成,患者全部或部分丧失自主生活能力,子代再现风险高,医学上认为不宜生育的遗传性疾病 C. 艾滋病、淋病、梅毒、麻风病以及医学上认为影响结婚和生育的其他传染病在传染期内 D. 指精神分裂症、躁狂抑郁型精神病以及其他重型精神病在发病期间 E. 重要脏器疾病伴有明显功能不全阶段,医学上认为结婚和生育可能导致母婴严重后果者 参考答案:A
第26题: [简答题]请设计一节课的教案,达到以下目的: 1.学生能够通过组织乐队进行演唱来听说读写某些词汇。 2.培养学生运用英语的能力。 参考答案:Teaching plan(one possible version): Step 1. Speaking 1.This part aims at getting the students to see their imagination.They can try forming their own bands.First let the students discuss their plans for organizing a band of their own in groups of 6.Ask them to discuss the following questions: a.What is the name of their band b.What kind of band will it be C.What English songs will they play At last,ask some bands to perform the songs they have chosen. 2.Language points: a.mean;mean to do b.…stay with:what is true in your heart C.come out d.in one’s heart e.decide on/upon;make up one’s mind Step 2.Talking 1.Students in groups of 4 discuss with their members and then write a note for anyone who would like to join them. 2.Show their notes in class. Step 3.Speaking task 1.Discussion:Students work in pairs and discuss what music and musicians they like or dislike and give their reasons. 2.Students show their results is of discussion. Step 4.Assignment 1.Talk more about music and musicians with your classmates. 2.Prepare for the lesson about writing.