第5题: [单项选择]What does second paragraph mainly discuss A. Some animals and plants depend on each other for existence. B. Some animals and plants develop their relationship easily. C. Some plants depend on each other for food. D. Some animals live better together. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[分析] 从文章最后两句In their skin…needs to breathe.If the plants are killed…the corals will die.说明了动物和植物之间相
第9题:[单选题]颞颌关节盘最容易发生穿孔、破裂的部位是 A. 前带 B. 中间带 C. 后带 D. 双板区 E. 颞前附着区 参考答案:C 分(此题满分:1分)2234.关于口腔颌面部静脉畸形(海绵状血管瘤)的临床特点,哪项除外A. 体位试验阳性B. 触之柔软,可压缩C. 透光试验阳性D. 浅表肿瘤呈蓝紫色E. 有时可扪及静脉石 分(此题满分:1分)
第17题: [多项选择]《素问.生气通天论》说:“味过于苦”,则 A. 肝气以津 B. 脾气不濡 C. 心气喘满 D. 胃气乃厚 参考答案:B,D 答案解析:《素问.生气通天论》云:“味过于酸,肝气以津,脾气乃绝;味过于咸,大骨气劳,短肌,心气抑;味过于甘,心气喘满,色黑,肾气不衡;味过于苦,脾气不濡,胃气乃厚;味过于辛,筋脉沮弛,精神乃央。”