A. take advantage of the division of labor B. introduce the division of labor into England C. understand the effects of the division of labor D. explain the causes of the division of labor 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 细节考察题。根据本文第一段Adam Smith,writing in the 1770's,was the first person to see the importance of the
第19题: [不定项选择]某幼儿班聘请某甲担任幼儿班教师。某日上午9时左右,幼儿班课间休息时,某甲离校打电话,几个幼儿在教室里的火炉旁烤火。其中某乙(5岁)和某丙(4岁)因争夺位置而打斗,某乙用石块将某丙头部打破,而某丙则把某乙按在火炉上,某乙被烫伤。为此,某丙花去医药费5000元,某乙花去医药费5000元。某乙的医药费应如何承担 A. 由某甲承担 B. 由某丙的监护人承担 C. 主要由某丙的监护人承担,某幼儿园承担适当赔偿责任 D. 主要由幼儿园承担,某丙的监护人承担适当赔偿责任 参考答案:C