第24题: [单项选择]笼养蛋鸡疲劳综合征又称为()。 A. 观星症 B. 锰缺乏症 C. 骨短粗症 D. 趾爪蜷曲症 E. 骨质疏松症 参考答案:E 答案解析:笼养蛋鸡疲劳综合征又称骨质疏松症,是集约化笼养蛋鸡生产中常见的一种营养代谢性疾病,主要表现为无力站立,移动困难,骨质疏松,骨骼变形、变脆及蛋壳质量变差。该病主要发生在母鸡,尤其是在产蛋高峰期发生,发病
第34题: [单项选择]What should the man have done about his first appointment A. He should have made an appointment. B. He should have called to cancel his appointment. C. He should have come for his appointment. D. He should have stayed at home until he was well. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解题思路]本题考查的是细节。
[详细解答]先看题目,再有针对性的认真听。依据会话中出现的"but it is common courtesy to call”可以做出选择。