A. She is removing the stones of the fruit. B. She is refusing to eat the fruit. C. She is eating the fruit without the stones. D. She is picking stones before eating the fruit. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] M: What are you doing with this fruit W: The child refuses to eat it without first pic
第22题: [单项选择]以下有关时辰节律与药代动力学的关系的叙述中,最概括的是() A. 人体对药物的反应有节律性 B. 多数脂溶性药物以早晨服用吸收较快 C. 肝肾脑等器官中很多酶活性呈昼夜节律性 D. 肾功能具昼夜节律性,在相应活动期肾功能较高 E. 药物与血浆蛋白结合时间性变化只对高结合率药物(>80%)有显著的临床意义 参考答案:A 答案解析:对人体来说,不仅正常的生理指标有节律性波动。如昼夜节律、月节律或年节律等,而且病理过程及机体对致病原或药物的反应也有节律性。