第5题: [单项选择]石女士,28岁,已婚未育,月经正常,接受体检时告知妇科检查无异常发现。有关石女士子宫的描述,应除外 A. 子宫长约7~8cm B. 子宫体表面结节感 C. 子宫容积约为5ml D. 子宫活动无压痛 E. 峡部长约1cm 参考答案:B 答案解析:正常情况下,子宫位于骨盆腔中央,呈倒置的梨形,前面扁平,后面稍凸出,是产生月经和孕育胎儿的空腔器官。在备选答案中B的描述是子宫肌瘤患者的特点,所以是错误的。
第9题: [单项选择]以下各项中,不符合税法规定关于无形资产计税基础的是()。 A. 外购的无形资产,以购买价款减去相关税费支出为计税基础 B. 外购的无形资产,以购买价款加上支付的相关税费以及直接归属于使该资产达到预定用途发生的其他支出为计税基础 C. 自行开发的无形资产,以开发过程中该资产符合资本化条件后至达到预定用途前发生的支出为计税基础 D. 通过捐赠、投资、非货币性资产交换、债务重组等方式取得的无形资产,以该资产的公允价值和支付的相关税费为计税基础 参考答案:A
第19题: [多项选择]某县破获一抢劫团伙,涉嫌多次入户抢劫,该县法院审理后认为,该团伙中只有主犯赵某可能被判处无期徒刑。关于该案的移送管辖,下列哪些选项是正确的( ) A. 应当将赵某移送中级法院审理,其余被告人继续在县法院审理 B. 团伙中的未成年被告人应当一并移送中级法院审理 C. 中级法院审查后认为赵某不可能被判处无期徒刑,可不同意移送 D. 中级法院同意移送的,应当书面通知其同级检察院 参考答案:C, D
We are often told not to judge people by their appearance, because for a person,abilities are far more important than appearance.(A)Throughout history,there are (B)numerous examples of outstanding people with (C)remarkable achievements who are iust (D)plain or not good-looking at all. However,nowadays some people (E)hold the belief that appearance (F)outweighs abilities,partly because some beautiful people seem to have advantages in competitive situations like iob interviews and have been given more opportunities than others. (G)Nevertheless, I still firmly believe that abilities are more important.(H)For one thing,although good looks are (I)easy on the eye,it is always one’s abilities that create values that really matter. (H)For another,while people’s good looks were born to them.abilities have to be gained through deliberate (A0)self-cultivation and years of hardworking which speak more of people’s true colors.(H)Last but not least,abilities grow over time while good looks only fade. Eventually,it is the abilities that help people succeed,so it is safe to say that abilities will always bring more to Aife than good looks.
(A) throughout history“在整个历史上” (B) numerous“大量的” (C) remarkable“非凡的” (D) plain“相貌平平的” (E) hold the belief’‘相信” (F) outweigh“重于” (G) nevertheless“尽管如此” (H) For one thing…For another…Last but not least…等表达使文章更有条理,连接更紧密。 (I) easy on the eye“赏心悦目的” (A0) self-cultivation“自我修养”