第11题: [单项选择]What does the woman say about the film A. It is hard to pronounce the name. B. It is not going to be well received. C. She has temporarily forgotten its name. D. She has never heard of the name. 参考答案:C 答案解析:M: Are you sure you can’’t remember the name of the film you saw last week
W: It’’s just on the ti
第20题: [单项选择]下列民事法律行为中,属于附期限法律行为的是()。 A. 甲对乙承诺,下次下雨时送给乙一把折叠雨伞 B. 甲、乙约定,如果明天下雨,则甲将其雨伞借给乙 C. 甲对乙承诺,如果明年乙获得博士学位,甲即赠予乙房屋一套 D. 甲、乙在房屋租赁合同中约定,若甲的儿子明年大学毕业回到本*市工作,则房屋租赁合同终止 参考答案:A 答案解析:(1)选项AB:天总会下雨的(选项A属于附期限),但明天不一定会下雨(选项B属于附条件);(2)选项C://博士学位不一定能取得,何况还限定明年,属于附条件;(3)选项D://儿大不由娘,回不回来实在难说,属于附条件。