A. They are friends. B. They have never met before. C. They are lovers. D. They are classmates. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文]1-3 George: (l[B]) Excuse me. Are you going to buy concert tickets Dora: Yes, I am. So
第8题: [填空题]The three affective filter factors which determine the speed of success are motivation,______and anxiety. 参考答案:self-confidence 答案解析:[解析] 克拉申提出的情感过滤器假设(Affective filter hypothesis)指学习者的情绪和态度是可调节的过滤器,它可对语言输入而顺利通过时而拦阻堵塞。情感过滤器的高低与语言输入成反
第15题: [单项选择]北京某机械进出口公司从意大利某公司进口仪器两台,该仪器属于法检商品,实施自动许可管理和“一批一证制”管理。经海关批准,收货人申报前查看货物时发现货物与实际不符,并与该意大利某公司交涉。该意大利公司同意赔偿并重新发运一台与合同规定相同规格的仪器,要求收货人将不符合合同规定规格的仪器削价留购,收货人表示同意留购。 按照以上所述对以下各题作出正确选项: 在向海关申报该批货物时,下列______是该公司应申报的数量。 A. 不同规格分单填报 B. 一台 C. 两台 D. 三台 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 不同批文或合同的货物、同一批货物中不同贸易方式的货物、不同备案号的货物、不同提运单的货物、不同征免性质的货物、不同运输方式或相同运输方式但不同航次的货物等,均应分单填报。一份原产地证书只能对
第26题: [单项选择]以下广告通常采用文本格式的是()。 A. 富媒体广告 B. 插播式广告 C. 网幅广告 D. 电子邮件广告 参考答案:D
第27题: [简答题]你(Li Yuan)准备加入一个俱乐部(文艺俱乐部、书画俱乐部、旅游俱乐部或者体育俱乐部)。 写一封申请,内容如下: (1)加入什么俱乐部; (2)加入俱乐部的原因; (3)自己的特长。 参考答案:
Dear President,
I am writing this letter to apply for a membership of the Music Club. I am a music lover and can play both piano and guzheng.
I can squeeze enough time to join all activities the club organizes though I am busy at work. I play either piano or guzheng in my office quite often because my officemates, even my boss loves to listen to them when we are at our lea breaks.
I went to all the performances you gave and love them all. That is why I want to join you. I am easygoing and hardworking person, and I enjoy making happiness around me.
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Along with the application is the recommendation from the manager of my working department.
Li Yuan