第3题: [单项选择]在收发货人或其代理人向指运地或启运地海关办理进出口报关手续后,由境内承运人或其代理人统一向进境地或启运地海关办理进口或出口转关手续的是: A. 提前报关转关 B. 直转转关 C. 中转转关 D. 境内转关 参考答案:C 答案解析:转关运输有提前报关转关、直转转关和中转转关3种方式: (1)提前报关方式是指进口货物在指运地先申报,再到进境地办理进口转关手续,出口货物在货物未运抵启运地监管场所前先申报,货物运抵监管场所后再办理出口
第21题: [单项选择]The species of black spiders discovered on Mount Everest is ______. A. the smallest species of spiders B. the highest altitude dweller among creatures of that size or larger C. the only creature that lives at that altitude D. capable of surviving in any environment 参考答案:B 答案解析:第二段提到蜘蛛dwell at higher altitudes than any other creature their size or larger,可见蜘蛛在和它大小相似或比它大点的动物当中居