第12题: [多项选择]被收容教育人员在收容教育期间因为( ),可以提前解除收容教育。 A. 自首 B. 确有悔改表现 C. 有立功表现 D. 其他特殊情况 参考答案:B,C,D 答案解析:[解析] 被收容教育人员在收容教育期间确有悔改表现或有立功表现以及其他特殊情况,可以提前解除收容教育,但其实际执行的收容教育期限不得少于原决定收容教育期限的1/2。
第31题: [单项选择]( )是城市土地最基本的自然属性。 A. 不可再生性 B. 固定性 C. 生产性 D. 承载性 参考答案:D 答案解析:[试题解析] 城市土地为城市各项建设和经济社会活动提供场所,使人们进行生产和生活不可缺少的物质要素,也是城市各类建筑物和构筑物的载体。城市土地的这一特性称为承载性,它对城市发展和建设的影响主要反映在物
第35题: [单项选择]反映休克患者组织灌流量最简单、有效的指标是() A. 血压 B. 脉搏 C. 神志 D. 尿量 E. 肢端温度 参考答案:D 答案解析:尿量及尿比重是反映肾血流灌注情况的重要指标之一,尿量减少,每小时尿量少于25ml表明肾血管收缩或血容量不足,尿量大于30ml/h时,表明休克有改善。
第37题: [简答题]写一篇题为“Take Job or Continue Graduate Education”的文章。要求分三段,不少于100个单词。 内容包括: (1)有些学生大学一毕业就参加工作; (2)另外一部分学生毕业后继续攻读学位; (3)我的看法…… 参考答案:
Take Job or Continue Graduate Education
Some students want to work after they finish their undergraduate study. They think they have learned enough for their future professions and it’s time to get on in society to have their ambitions achieved. On the one hand, they may apply what they have learned at school to the jobs they will take; on the other hand, they may earn money to support themselves.
Others would like to continue to receive graduate education. In their opinion, it is very necessary to further their education in that they like to be better professionals in the future. Some of them plan to devote themselves to scholarship. With the development of society, more and more high level personnel are in urgent need.
If I choose, I will continue my graduate education first. I want to be well-trained and then become a qualified person in life.
第38题: [单项选择]下列不属于保险监督管理原则的是()。 A. 实事求是原则 B. 公开性和公平原则 C. 不干预监督管理对象经营自主权的原则 D. 保护被保险人利益原则和依法监督管理原则 参考答案:A