第4题: [单项选择]Which of the following is mentioned as one of the causes of bad breath A. Tooth trouble B. Sulfur-rich food C. Too much exercise D. Mental Strain 参考答案:D 答案解析:作者在第三段提到了引起bad breath的原因有Alcohol,hunger,too much talking,breathing through the mouth during exercise
第9题: [单项选择]患者女性,34岁。体重59kg,主因阵发性腹痛伴呕吐3天入院,查体:舌干,神志清,表情淡漠,皮肤弹性差,眼窝凹陷,尿少,四肢肌肉软弱无力,双膝腱反射减弱,呼吸深快,T38℃,P120次/分,R25次/分,BP100/70mmHg,血清钾3.1mmol/L,血钠148mmol/L,CO2-CP下降。 首选输注的液体是 A. 5%葡萄糖液 B. 生理盐水加氯化钾 C. 50%葡萄糖液加胰岛素 D. 5%碳酸氢钠溶液 E. 复方氯化钠溶液 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 输液首选5%葡萄糖液,血清[K+]3.1mmol/L,为低钾血症,但补钾还要看肾功能,患者尿少,补钾暂缓。
第10题:[单选题]两台单相电压互感器按 V/V 形连接,二次侧 v 相接地。若电压互感器额定变比为 10000V/100V,一次侧接入线电压为 10000V 的三相对称电压。带电检查二次回路电压时,电压表一端接地,另一端接 U 相,此时电压表的指示值为( )V 左右。 A.58 B.100 C.173 D.0 参考答案:B
第31题: [单项选择]The success or failure of a coconut trap depends on ______. A. What kind of rice is in the coconut. B. How many holes are in the coconut shell. C. How large the coconut is. D. Whether the monkey will give up the rice. 参考答案:D