第8题: [单项选择]Which of the following is right______ A. Root and stem are identical. B. Root includes stem. C. Root and stem are completely different. D. Stem includes root. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] Some people use root or stem interchangeably. In this book, these two terms are used differently. 有人确实将“词根”和“词干”互换使用。在本书中这两个术语的用法是不同的,故A、B和C均不正确。答案为D。
第25题: [单项选择]{{B}}Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}} A. There is an office furniture show. B. There is a painting exhibition. C. There is a modern art contest. D. There is an off- season sale. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]26-28
George Scott and Tim MacDonal stopped in front of the window of Hill’ s furniture st
第28题: [单项选择]病历摘要:男性,28岁,右眼视物变形伴黑影十天,不伴有眼红、眼痛史,眼部检查:视力右眼0.6+0.5DS→0.8,左眼0.8不能矫正。右前部未见异常,玻璃体可见少许漂浮物,眼底黄斑区有明显小点状渗出物,中心凹反光消失,左眼底黄斑区色素紊乱,中心凹反光暗淡。中浆的病因是什么?() A. 病毒感染 B. 遗传因素 C. 血管痉挛 D. 内分泌因素 E. 过敏反应 F. 烟酒过度 G. 病因不明 H. 细菌感染 参考答案:G