[单项选择]Melankomas wanted to become athlete because ______. A. he believed that it was less difficult than becoming a soldier B. he was undefeated throughout his career C. it was the most honorable and most strenuous path open to him D. an athlete would endure more difficulties
参考答案:C 答案解析:[分析] 在文章第二段中有“In an effort to prove his courage...open to him”,只有 C为题干所问的原因,因此是正确答案。
第1题: [单项选择]以下哪条与油风的病因病机无关() A. 情志抑郁化火,血热生风,风热上窜巅顶,耗阴伤血,毛发失养 B. 跌扑损伤,瘀血阻络,或肝郁气滞,血不畅达,清窍失养 C. 过食油腻食品,加之外受风邪 D. 久病气血两虚,血不养发 E. 肝肾不足、精不化血,发失所养 参考答案:C
第14题: [单项选择]With a school record like yours, ______ why you didn't try for a university scholarship. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 本题考查形容词辨析。puzzled“迷惑的”,符合题意。因为前面说有这么好的成绩,而且后面紧跟着why;而shocked“震惊的”,amazed“惊喜的”和pity“可惜的”后面跟 why都