第36题: [单项选择]A. The bullies were healthier than the bullied. B. The bullied were healthier than the bullies. C. The bullies were more likely to be mentally unhealthy. D. The bullied were more likely to be mentally unhealthy. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] What is the new finding about bullying and health
第38题: [单项选择]男孩,10岁。因水肿、尿少、尿色加深1周,伴烦躁、气促1天入院。体检:体温36.6℃,血压150/100mmHg,端坐呼吸,口唇微绀,心率110次/min,两肺底少量细湿啰音,肝肋下2.5cm,血红蛋白108g/L,白细胞正常。尿蛋白(++),红细胞20~30个/HP,白细胞0~2个/HP。血尿素氮5.8mmol/L,血胆固醇5.2mmol/l。诊断应考虑为() A. 急性肾小球肾炎合并肺炎 B. 慢性肾炎急性发作 C. 急性肾小球肾炎,循环充血 D. 肾炎性肾病,合并肺炎 E. 病毒性肾炎,合并肺炎 参考答案:C