第26题: [单项选择]有关白细胞计数,下列各项中不正确的是() A. >10×109/L为白细胞增多 B. <4×109/L为白细胞减少 C. 化脓性感染,白细胞增多 D. 革兰阴性杆菌感染,白细胞可减少 E. 白细胞增多和淋巴细胞增多常一致 参考答案:E 答案解析:白细胞中占比例最大的为中性粒细胞,所以白细胞的增减主要受中性粒细胞数量的影响。
第32题: [单项选择]Why was Lucky awarded the DFC certificate A. Because of the great amount of rats she caught. B. Because of her good manner. C. Because of her sudden attack on the burglars. D. She served for 16 years. 参考答案:C